Artículos científicos y técnicos relacionados
Si quieres profundizar y saber más en torno a la autenticidad y la seguridad alimentaria, te ofrecemos el acceso a varios artículos científicos.
- Stable isotope and trace element analysis for tracing the geographical originof the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) infood authentication
- SYBR-Green real-time PCR assay with melting curve analysis for the rapididentification of Mytilus species in food samples
- Population structure and geographic origin assignment of Mytilusgalloprovincialis mussels using SNPs
- Mass sequencing for rapididentification of ingredientsin processed foods
- Innovations to reduce contaminants fromseafood products: Bacteriophage biocontrolagainst pathogenic bacteria in seafood
- Rapid screening: Enzymatic biosensor for fastscreening of Xenobiotics in seafood